Useful find: 3D Audio (or a bit of VR audio) blog posts
Varun from Two Big Ears posted this a long while back on Designing Sound website, a nice brief read about: audio in VR
Thanks to him I recently got my hands on the 3Dception toolkit they developed, I’ll be evaluating in my own time in the coming days. Been using AmbiToolkit following Spook.fm’s workaround for ambisonic mixing but it’s quite limited for example when it comes to reverb options not to mention the fact that it’s low order. Still if you wanna try it out for yourself here is their tutorial video with the links provided below! (for 360 videos btw) : 3D Positional Sound Design for Cinematic VR
Anyways, I’m curious how much more integrated 3Dception will feel. Should start playing around as soon as possible.
Speaking of 3D audio tools here is another Designing Sound write up, this time by Anastasia Devana covering pretty much all the leading / known tools and engines to integrate audio for a VR project: Weighing the options.